Mgc26133 Fanfiction Wiki
Post Season 3
Season 4, Episode 22
Written by Mgc26133
Episodes List Transcript
The Phantom Menace

Misao is the 22nd episode in Season 4 and 88th overall.


will be written


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The door of lake house opened. Stefan, Damon, June, Bonnie, Meredith and Christian were inside, completely wrecked, staying in silence. They saw Caroline walk inside in tears, followed by Tyler and Elizabeth, who was barely hanging on. When Bonnie saw Caroline, they ran to and hugged each other. Their tears turned into cries. Then they left each other.

Caroline: (her voice cracked) "What happened?"

Bonnie: "It was the phantom. She died saving us."

Meredith and Christian looked at each other in defeat.

Tyler: (to the group) "I'm so sorry."

Damon, walking past him, pat his shoulder. Stefan was sitting without moving a muscle.

Damon: "It's not over yet."

Elizabeth: "What do you mean?"

Damon: "Misao called. She has Jeremy and demands June in exchange of him."

Caroline, Tyler and Liz were shocked to hear the news.

Elizabeth: "We're not agreeing to this!"

Bonnie: "Of course we're not."

Tyler: "Do we have a plan?"

Damon: "We don't. We figured if we go with a plan she'll read it off of our minds."

Tyler: "So what do we do?"

Caroline: "Surround her, attack her with everything we got. She can't take us all at once!"

Damon: "Not so fast. We have to secure Jeremy first."

Elizabeth: "What are you going to do?"

Damon: "I don't know. All I know is we got twenty minutes left till we do something or she's gonna kill Jeremy. Or worse."

Caroline: "Or worse?"

Damon: "I'll go ahead and see if I can make us some time. I don't know what I can do, but you guys will have to do the heavy lifting."

June: "I'll go with you."

Damon: "Absolutely not."

June: (strictly) "You're not going to stop me!" (everyone was taken aback by her snapping. Her voice got stricken with grief and pain as she spoke) "Jeremy is my family. The only one I have left." (they understood her pain and eased their posture) "I'll be damned before I let you leave without me."

Damon: "June, I understand your pain, bu..."

June: "No you don't." (looked dead into his eye) "You don't, Damon." (to the rest of the group) "None of you do. It's true I knew her the shortest. But she was my whole world. You guys still have each other."

Bonnie: "You still have us too."

June: "Do I?" (looked at Stefan and Damon) "You guys were planning on leaving town before Stefan got back together with Elena. With her gone what's stopping you?" (Damon and Stefan looked at each other, in silent agreement. June then looked at Caroline and Tyler) "You two are leaving too, right?" (Caroline looked away in guilt. June then looked at Bonnie) "And you. How long you think it will take before you decide I'm the reason for everything you suffered? That Antonio died, and Sue died, and all those people, because I dragged the angels and kitsunes to Mystic Falls? When will that turn into resentment and you will decide to get rid of me?"

Bonnie: "That will never happen. I made a promise to Elena!"

June: "Don't fool me Bonnie. I read minds, it's what I do. You know deep down you already hate me. After all, Elena died saving me, not you, right?"

Damon: "That's crazy, June! Everybody here knows that's not true."

June: (without looking away from Bonnie, in resentment) "It's what she thinks! Don't you, Bonnie?"

Bonnie: "If you were half as good at reading minds as you claimed, you would have been able to tell a passing thought from what I really know and feel. How could you say all these after everything we've been through?"

June: "Don't turn this around me. You made a promise so she could go in peace, but you were never intending on keeping it." (spoke to everyone) "I know you all mean well. I know you will all try to be there for me. But at some point you will all move on, and I'm not gonna be able to." (turned to Damon) "So I'm coming, Damon!"

Damon: (supportively held her shoulders and gave them a light squeeze) "I wouldn't dream of stopping you. But when I confront Misao, I can't worry about your safety. I have to be as fast and cunning as she is. You would distract me, because she could use you against me. And then we all lose." (looked at the rest of the group, then back to her) "Do you trust me?" (she looked into his eyes. He was as sincere and honest as could be. Slowly she nodded) "Then let me save Jeremy. And you help them destroy Misao."

As he prepared to leave, everyone in the room stood up. He and Stefan looked at each other and after a silent goodbye, he walked out the door and disappeared with his vampire speed.

After he left, Elizabeth turned to the group.

Elizabeth: "Okay people. I know we are grieving but we'll have to suck it up. Think you can do that?"

Tyler: "We're with you, Liz."

Elizabeth looked at him, likely surprised to be called Liz by him, but didn't think much on it.

Caroline: "What's the plan, mom?"

Stefan: "There's no plan. Damon said as much, no matter what plan we make, she'll read it off our heads."

Tyler: "So we have to freestyle."

Christian: "We fought side by side before, we can do this."

Bonnie: (to Christian and Meredith) "I don't think you guys should get involved."

Meredith: "What do you mean?"

Elizabeth: "I agree with Bonnie. If anything happens to you guys, this town cannot take another phantom attack."

Christian: "That's not fair."

Stefan: "I don't quite give a rat's ass about what's fair!"

Christian: "What did you say?"

Meredith: "Guys! Guys! Guys!"

Stefan: "Everything that we've been up against this year, this bitch is at the very top of it. I know you guys are powerful, but her spells can effect you. It's a risk we can't take."

Christian: "It's the same risk you take every time you go up against witches. I can't just do nothing. Not after the way I screwed up. Not after I.."

He couldn't complete his sentence, but everyone understood he's blaming himself for what happened to Elena.

Caroline: "Nobody is blaming you, Chris."

Christian: "Oh but I do. That phantom was my job."

Elizabeth: "Right now it doesn't matter."

Meredith: "Where do you want us?"

Stefan: "Honestly, I'd rather you guys as far away from here as possible."

Elizabeth: "I agree."

Bonnie: "But first maybe you guys give Stefan, Tyler and Caroline some blood. They could use the power boost."

Tyler: "Good thinking."

Stefan also nodded.

Cut to..
Meredith and Christian had left. June anxiously looked at the time on her phone.

June: "Eight minutes."

Bonnie: "If we're going to do something, it's now or never."

Elizabeth: "June, you're not going to like what I'm about to say, but you should stay behind."

June: "Damon said.."

Elizabeth: (interrupted her) "You are what Misao wants. Everything she's done until now is to get you there, within her sight. So I'm not about to go and give her exactly what she wants. Our utmost priority has to be your safety."

June: "But she was very specific that if I'm not there, she'll kill Jeremy."

Caroline: "Except she'll be too busy to do that while fighting all the rest of us."

Stefan: "I wouldn't bet on it. She could have cast a spell to act autonomously, or could have helpers."

Bonnie: "And that's why I'm going. To counter whatever spell she might have in play."

June: "But I can help."

Elizabeth: "If it's any consolation, I'm staying behind too."

Caroline: "You are?"

Elizabeth: "It's the logical move. Vampires I can handle, but kitsunes is a couple tiers above my pay grade. We don't know their weaknesses, if they even have one. I'd only be a distraction to you up there. Best you guys go do what you do best, and I'll stay here with June and protect her."

Tyler: "Protect her how?"

Elizabeth: "Well, whoever comes looking for trouble, June can block their powers." (cocked her weapon) "I can handle the rest."

Caroline nodded.

Stefan: "If's it all settled, we should leave now."

Tyler: (checked the time) "He's right, we should move . We only got enough time to make it there in vampire speed."

Bonnie: "What about me?"

Tyler: (looked at her) "I can take you."

Caroline: (objected in panic) "No! Stefan should take her."

Everyone was visibly confused about her reaction.

Elizabeth: "What was that?"

Caroline: (trying to cover it) "You're the oldest and strongest. It'll be less strain on you."

Bonnie and Tyler came eye to eye. Bonnie was subtly shaking her head in disapproval.

Stefan: (not quite accepting her explanation, but didn't think on it) "Okay."

Tyler: "Let's go!"

June: "Guys!" (they stopped and looked at her) "Be careful. Please. I can't lose anyone else."

Caroline went and hugged her.

Caroline: "You won't!"

She and Elizabeth looked at each other. They nodded at each other, then Caroline turned to others and they all disappeared with vampire speed.

Damon had arrived to the Steven's Quarry. He was walking around slowly, with careful and steady steps. There was absolutely no sound aside from the wind moving the leaves and the branches, and some bugs; which seemed to irritate him. His eyes caught the altar where he killed Greta. Then looked behind again. There was absolutely no one in the area.

Damon: (yelled) "Misao! I swear to god, if you're playing me.."

While thinking of a punchline, he heard some shuffling on the branches above his head. Without thinking or looking, he rushed away with his vampire speed. As soon as he moved, Misao landed at where he was. They looked at each other.

Misao: "You're good!"

Damon: "And you're sly!"

Misao: (with a mischievous smile while looking him dead in the eye) "Like a fox? Little too on the nose."

Damon: "Sorry. Not in the mood to think a good kitsune pun."

Misao: "I'll take what I can then. Where's June?"

Damon: "Not here."

Misao: "Why are you, then? I made it clear to you what would happen if.."

Damon: "I wasn't about to take your word for it. I need to know you really have Jeremy."

Misao: "Figured you would say that."

She pulled a small, coin sized object from her back pocket and showed it to Damon before flicking her fingers to throw it to him. He caught it mid air and looked at what she threw. It was the Gilbert ring that Jeremy was wearing.

Damon: "Cute."

Misao: "Convinced?"

Damon: "Not even close. You having this means he's more at risk. How do I know he's still alive?"

Misao: "I don't know if you're trying to annoy me, or stall me. Either way it's not a good strategy."

Damon: "Just show him to me."

Misao angrily looked at him, then held her hands up to face her palms at each other. As she cast a silent spell, an orange light began to appear around her hands. Then with a quick move, he slammed her hands together and bent down to hit her palms to the ground. An orange light rippled around her. Damon looked at the ripple wave in confusion. Then he heard ground opening on his left. A tree started to resurface until finally Jeremy was revealed, tied to the trunk and gagged. He was looking in fear and confusion. Damon looked at him with worry, but stopped himself from going near him.

Misao: "There he is. Believe me now?"

Damon: "How do I know that's really him?"

Misao: "Stop pushing it!"

Damon: "I looked up your kind. In the lore the kitsune is known as the trickster."

Misao: "Between the two of us, I'm not the one playing tricks right now." (starting walking around Damon in circles) "You think I don't know what you're trying to do? You think I'm not prepared for it? I've shown you good will way more than I was willing to. I went out of my way to play nice with you. And here you are, trying to trick the trickster." (stopped) "We invented the game, Damon. It was foolish of you to even try." (they looked at each other) "You have five minutes. Go and bring June. She can try to block his powers and see if he's really Jeremy. Fail to deliver again, I promise you will be so very sorry."

Damon looked away from Misao and faced Jeremy. He didn't seem injured, but he was trying to say something behind his gag. Damon didn't seem interested. He turned to walk away, but with a quick move using his vampire speed, he attacked Misao. But Misao easily caught his hand before it could reach her neck. Damon tried to use his other hand, but Misao easily caught that too.

Misao: (in Japanese) "Really?" (in English again) "What did you think that was gonna accomplish?" (Damon was struggling to get his hands free, but Misao was too strong. She again spoke in Japanese) "You freaking idiot!"

With a quick and strong move, she pushed both his hands down and broke his wrists. Damon yelled in pain and collapsed on his knees. Misao kicked him in the chest and launched him away. Where he hit the ground Damon tried to get up, but Misao arrived and kicked him in the chest, turning him on his side. After that, she landed a powerful kick on his leg, breaking his leg too. She kicked him a few more times, rolling him on the floor in the process. Then she grabbed him by the collar and threw him. When he hit the ground, she used her magic to pull Damon's shirt and Damon with him, then grabbed his neck mid air. She slammed him to the ground facedown, then put his arm on a lock so he can't fight back, and pushed her knee at his neck, pinning him down helplessly.

Misao: "What else did you think was gonna happen? Or should the question be: did you even think what was gonna happen? But then again that's your MO isn't it? Charge in head first, plans be damned, consequences be damned. I read minds, Damon. I know what you think before you even think it! You should've listened to me. I tried to get this done with as little pain and suffering as possible. You chose to piss me off. And now you're gonna die. And Jeremy's gonna die. And then I'm gonna kill June, and everyone who would dare stand in my way!"

Damon tried to shake her off in rage, but she moved his arm upwards with a force he couldn't fight back to and broke his shoulder with a horrifying crack. He yelled in pain. But before she could do anything else, a rock came out of nowhere and hit her head. She rolled with the impact and in pain, freeing Damon of her hold. He looked up and saw Bonnie at the other side of the area. A hopeful smile came on his face, and let his head down in relief.

Bonnie: (to Misao, as she walked closer to them) "You talk too much!"

Misao: (while gathering herself) "Little witch has grown. Death and resurrection agrees with you."

Bonnie: "You should try it too. It clears the mind."

Misao: "You should know."

Misao tried to push Bonnie away with magic, but Bonnie managed to ground herself and defend. Then she pushed too. Misao, while defending against Bonnie's magic, started to focus around and send whatever she could find, rocks, branches, at Bonnie. Bonnie tried to defend against some, but eventually got overwhelmed and got hit by a rock and the sharp end of another rock grazed her arm. She lost focus on her magic and Misao immediately surrounded her with a small whirlpool of soil, trapping and suffocating her. Damon saw Bonnie was in trouble and as his bones was beginning to heal, he attempted to get up. But Misao used the earth under his feet to strap him to the ground, then sent him back down with a roundhouse kick. As she lost focus kicking Damon, Bonnie used the opening and managed to free herself, but immediately found herself inches away from Misao. Misao grabbed her by the throat and landed a punch. Bonnie defended herself with magic, preventing her fist from contacting her. Misao tried this a few more times, then tackled her and laid her down on her back while choking her. Damon arrived with a thick branch intending to stab Misao, but Misao quickly turned and parried the branch, then staggered him with a kick to his face. Before Bonnie could make a move, she used her magic to pin Bonnie down as if an invisible weight just collapsed on her, making her unable to move. Misao made some fancy moves to disorient Damon, then managed to pin him down from his back in a choke hold position. But before she could snap his neck, Bonnie clenched her fists, mustered all her power, and created a powerful magic explosion. Everyone got thrown in different directions.

Bonnie was starting to get up inside the mini crater her magic created. She seemed exhausted. Suddenly Misao came out of nowhere and laid her back on the ground. Bonnie tried to stop Misao's hands with her magic, but Misao quickly overpowered the magic and grabbed her by the throat.

Misao: "Nice try, witch! Coming up here without a plan so I can't know how to foil it. Not well thought, and futile! You should have known better by now. You.. can't.. beat.. me!"

Bonnie: (spoke through her choking) "I can't.. But we can!"

Misao sensed someone approaching her with vampire speed. Alarmed, she focused to get a sense of where the attack was coming from. Realizing Stefan was coming from behind, she jumped up quickly to dodge him. As she jumped and left Bonnie, Bonnie started to cough, finally able to breath again. When Misao returned to the ground she came face to face with Caroline and Tyler. She quickly kicked Caroline away and rolled backwards to dodge Tyler's attack. Then got back up quickly and attacked him. Tyler was about to be overwhelmed, but Stefan and Caroline immediately rushed to his help. Damon also finally managed to heal himself completely and joined the fight.

Despite the four vampires giving their all, Misao was still dominating the fight. She was moving with incredible ferocity, elegance, speed and skill, giving the vampires hell. But the vampires were coming at her relentlessly. Eventually Misao made a misstep and found herself on her back. But she still managed to roll down Damon with herself and threw him behind her. Stefan grabbed her from the ankle and attempted to slam her to the opposite side. But midair Misao transformed into a snake to get free of Stefan's hold, then turned back to human form and using the speed she got from Stefan's shake, landed a kick at Tyler's neck. Tyler found himself on the floor. Stefan ran at her with vampire speed, but she stepped aside and extended her arm, making him hit it with his own speed. Caroline and Damon arrived, but Misao easily dodged them. She laid to the ground with Caroline's legs entangled with her own and knocked her to the ground. Then with a quick move, she jammed her fist into Caroline's chest. Tyler arrived and with Damon's help, tried to pull her hand out. But even though Misao was overpowered at first, she used all her strength to overpower both vampires and put her fist back in Caroline's chest. Caroline was screaming in pain with every move. Stefan arrived and pulled Misao from her hair. She lost her balance and trying to save herself, she let Caroline free. Then jumped and kicked Stefan in the chest with both her feet. Tyler and Damon quickly attacked her, but she easily handled both, dodging their attacks and landing counter punches until she finally slammed Tyler to Damon, knocking them both down. Stefan arrived and landed a powerful punch on Misao's face. Misao reeled. Without giving her any breaks, Stefan landed punch after punch with his vampire speed. Eventually Misao blocked his punch and twisted his arm so hard that his shoulder was dislocated. Damon and Tyler arrived again. Misao made some fancy moves to pin both Damon and Tyler's arms, but they quickly got free of it. Still, Misao managed to dodge Damon's attack, which sent him staggering away, then punched Tyler in the neck, snapping it in the process.

Jeremy was watching the fight in fear. He eventually noticed Bonnie getting up and approaching him. But before she arrived, he noticed someone else was near him, untieing his hands. He looked and saw Elizabeth. Bonnie was also surprised to see her here. She finally arrived and ungagged Jeremy.

Bonnie: (to Elizabeth) "Is that your idea of staying behind?"

Elizabeth: "Couldn't let you in on my plan."

Bonnie: "Right!"

Jeremy: "Can someone please tell me what the hell is going on?"

Elizabeth: "We will." (finally they freed him) "But first we have to get you out of here."

She took his arm, but he shook it off.

Jeremy: "No. Don't think I didn't notice Elena isn't here." (Bonnie and Elizabeth looked in panic) "I'm kidnapped and she isn't here? I'm not buying it. Where is she?"

Bonnie: (her eyes watered) "Jeremy. Please."

Jeremy: (understood something bad happened) "What happened?"

Bonnie couldn't hold back her tears and looked at Elizabeth, asking for help.

Elizabeth: "He's gonna find out anyway. He has a right to know."

Upon this Bonnie gathered her courage and faced Jeremy.

Stefan pulled his shoulder back and healed it, and rushed to Damon's help. However, with Caroline and Tyler down, they were barely hanging on. Misao was using every trick up her sleeve, turning into animals and objects to either dodge or tank their hits, or attack them. But even though she was still undeniably dominant, she was slowing down as she was getting tired. Stefan and Misao held each other by the throat. Then Damon ran to Misao's behind to grab her from her back. He kicked her knee from behind and forced her to kneel. With both brothers pushing her down with all their strength, she caved in and fell. But she quickly turned into a small animal to escape from their grasp, then turned back to human form to tackle Stefan. He fell down, and Misao attacked Damon. But before she could reach him, Stefan got back up and rammed himself into Misao. They rolled on the ground for a while and quickly got up. But when they did, Misao had transformed into Stefan. It was impossible to tell them apart, as she had transformed perfectly to the last detail.

Damon was looking at both in complete confusion.

Stefan: "Damon, what're you waiting for, help me out!"

Stefan: "No, Damon! Don't do anything stupid!"

At that moment Caroline arrived too, slowly. Her chest was healed, but she was still hurting apparently, as she was holding it. She looked at Damon with confusion after seeing two Stefans.

Stefan: "Damon.. Caroline! Look at me, you know me!"

Stefan: "No! Damon, don't let her fool you!"

Stefan: "Her? Goddammit, Damon! She is the girl here!"

Stefan: "Ask me anything! I can tell you everything!"

Stefan: "Of course she can, she can read minds!"

Stefan: (shows vampire veins) "Look, I bet she can't imitate this!"

Stefan: "Imitate? I am the vampire!" (shows vampire veins) "Damon, it's me, she is Misao!"

Stefan: "No Damon, I am the real Stefan!"

At that moment Bonnie arrived near Damon and Caroline. Damon looked at her, able to tell from her looks what she was thinking to do, and nodded in agreement.

Bonnie: "Don't mind if I do!" (faced both Stefans) "Sorry Stefan."

She cast pain infliction on both of them. Immediately the real Stefan collapsed in pain while the fake one looked in confusion, not affected. She quickly understood what had happened, but it was too late. She had given herself away. Damon and Caroline attacked her with pushes and punches, which she couldn't defend against. But she caught one of Caroline's punches mid air, threw her over her shoulder and rolled with her. When they stopped, Misao had now transformed into Caroline. Caroline looked in shock. But Damon arrived and grabbed the fake Caroline from her hair.

Damon: "Not this time, fox!"

Then pulled her from her hair. Caroline was looking confused and relieved, as she stood up watching Misao getting dragged while yelling in pain. Stefan also got up and walked near Bonnie and Caroline. They didn't feel like interfering as Misao seemed done and unable to fight back, though she was madly struggling. Almost in agreement, they let Damon have this. Misao continued struggling to get herself free to no avail. Eventually Damon threw her aside. She rolled for a while, then stopped. She was panting, exhausted. She looked and saw Caroline, Stefan, Damon and Bonnie, looking menacingly at her. She forced herself back on her feet. She let herself a moment to catch her breath. Then tried to run to them, but to her and everyone else's surprise, she hit an invisible wall and staggered. She tried to move again, but the same thing happened. She touched around her. It seemed she was completely surrounded by some kind of an invisible wall.

Damon: "Let her come, Bonnie. It's her funeral."

Bonnie: "I'm not doing it!"

Damon and Caroline looked at Bonnie in confusion.

Misao: (starting to freak out) "What is this?"

They heard June's voice as she approached to Misao from a different direction.

June: "I call it psychic barriers." (Misao looked at her direction. Everyone seemed worried for a moment, but June was walking and talking so sure of herself, they didn't interfere) "I create them with my mind. It blocks your powers. While in my psychic barriers, you cannot read minds, you cannot shapeshift. You're simply, just human!"

Damon: (while looking at Misao) "Can she be compelled?"

June: "No. But she'll talk anyway. 'Cause you have what she needs."

Misao realized she was in touch with June's psychic barriers and that's how she's been reading her mind. She quickly pulled her hand and turned to Damon. June grinned.

Misao: "What do you have?"

Damon looked at Misao, then June, then back to Misao. Then slowly he raised his hand, revealing a thin glass ball with three small star shapes engraved on it to form a triangle. It was just big enough to fit into Misao's palm. Inside the ball was a strange vibrant fluid in various orange shades, but only less than half of it was full, and it didn't seem to react to Damon holding it. Seeing it in Damon's hold, Misao quickly checked herself only to realize she indeed lost hers. She looked at Damon desperately.

Damon: "Now humor me for a second. Why would anyone about to walk into a fight with every vampire in town, literally speaking, bring an extremely fragile glass ball on her person?" (pointed her with the ball still in her hand) "Unless somehow her life depended on it."

Misao: "That's not true."

Damon: "Really? Then whether I break this is of no consequence to you." (Misao didn't reply, but her panic was apparent in her face. Damon pretended like he didn't notice) "Thought so."

Damon threw the ball up, then as soon as he grabbed it, took a position to throw it to the ground and smash it. Realizing he would actually do it, she shouted in panic.

Misao: "Stop!" (to Misao's shouting, Tyler woke up. He held his neck in pain, but as it had healed, he shook it off quickly and got up. Damon lowered his hand with a triumphant smile) "My life doesn't depend on it.. directly. But what you're holding is the most potent and versatile magic in the entire universe that cannot be replaced."

Caroline: "What is this?"

Misao: "It is my starball."

Damon: "I personally killed a number of kitsunes myself and none had something like this."

Misao: "Because I'm above them." (Tyler raised his eyebrow upon hearing this) "I'm Inari's right hand man. That is why she gave me one. I am her eyes, ears, voice and power on both dimensions."

Tyler: "What do you mean both dimensions?"

Seeing Tyler back on his feet, Caroline walked near him. They hugged each other.

Misao: "It means exactly what it is."

Stefan: "Care to elaborate?"

Misao's head fell in despair. She took a look at her starball in Damon's hand, then shook her head. She knew she had to comply.

Misao: "You know that everything is created with a balance. Things were created with their opposites. Darkness and light, evil and good, love and hate. Even matter has it's opposite, which is called antimatter."

Damon: "Get to the point!"

Misao: "Unbeknownst to anyone yet, this universe was also created with it's opposite. But it sits in another dimension. It is a different universe. And because it is the opposite of this one, it is called anti-universe. The other dimension. The Dark Dimension."

Damon: "And that's where you're from? The Dark Dimension?"

Misao: "Yes. And like David told you, I cannot stay here on this earth for too long. Once a week or two, I have to return to my dimension to recharge my powers, and I do it by using that fluid."

Damon: "How does it work?"

Misao: "It creates wormhole to cover the distance that couldn't otherwise be travelled."

Caroline: "A portal."

Misao: (nodded in agreement) "Yes."

Damon: "So your life really depends on this. Considering if you don't have this, the earth will consume you and you'll die." (Misao looked at him helplessly) "That true?"

Misao: "Yes."

Bonnie: "You said versatile. What else does it do?"

Misao: "It enhances anything I do. Adds to my strength, increases my powers."

Damon: "Temporarily, I reckon."

Misao: "Yes. Kitsune magic is not permanent like witch magic. It dies out in time."

Caroline: "That's why they've been after the Petrova line this entire time."

Bonnie: "And using angels, more like their blood, pretending to find the next Petrova for them to protect, but in fact for your kind to kill."

Stefan: "Not like they're called the tricksters for nothing."

Caroline: "And this one's like the head trickster."

Misao looked away in anger.

Damon: "Anything else this thing does?"

Misao: "It's also a regenerative."

Tyler: (his interest piqued) "How regenerative?"

Stefan: "I'm assuming like how we ripped off David's wings and next time we saw him, he had them back."

Misao: "Something like that, yes. It heals any wounds, regenerates lost limbs, fixes any diseases. There's nothing, absolutely nothing, that fluid won't be able to fix."

Tyler: "Can it fix a dead body?"

Everyone suddenly got startled, clearly thinking if they could save Elena. A wave of excitement washed over them. But Tyler was thinking about his own original body. Misao looked at the group, realizing their excitement.

Misao: "Only if they were something supernatural when they died."

Bonnie: "So when you said you could help me bring Antonio and Sue back, that was a lie."

Misao: "Yes. I saw that you once brought Jeremy back to life. You knew it was possible, but didn't have access to the same power. I used that to manipulate you."

Caroline looked at Bonnie in sadness, realizing the kind of pain she must have gone through. She put her hand on Bonnie's shoulder. They exchanged a friendly and emotional look.

Stefan: "But that means it can bring Elena back?"

Tyler excitedly looked at Stefan, then to Misao.

Misao: (realizing what she's about to say will not be in her favor) "It can't."

Damon: "Why the hell not!? She was supernatural when she died, through and through. First a doppelganger, then a vampire."

Bonnie: "I'll tell you why, because she's lying. Again!"

Misao: "No! I'm not!"

Stefan: "Then why wouldn't it work for Elena?"

Misao: "Because when a phantom dies, they go to the Dark Dimension."

Caroline: "Elena isn't a phantom!"

Misao: "No but she died near one. A dead phantom creates an energy field around them. Because Elena died in that energy field, her spirit will be in the Dark Dimension. The fluid will fix her body, yes, but without the spirit she won't come back to life."

Stefan: "Is there any way we can save her and bring her spirit back?"

Misao: "You can't. But I can do it. If.. you give me my starball back."

Caroline scoffed.

Damon: "Really? That's where you arrived." (mockingly) "That we should just give you your starball back."

Misao: "No need to be snarky, saving Elena's life serves me too."

Caroline: "And so what, we should just trust you?"

Misao: "I think we can all agree that trust is irrelevant at this point."

Stefan: "Why is that?"

Misao: (pointed her starball) "Because you're basically holding my fate in your hands!

Damon: "And when I give it back to you? Once I've given up my leverage, what reason will there be left for you to continue cooperating?"

Misao: "I'll be in your debt." (everyone gave her confused looks. She realized it was not good enough for them) "Look, it may not be a thing for you, but for a kitsune, a life debt is the most sacred bond." (pointed at Bonnie excitedly) "She's a witch! She knows. Your ancestors served vampires, you serve vampires!"

Bonnie: (angrily) "I don't 'serve' anyone!"

Misao: "Semantics!" (the group became very uneasy. They seemed to want to believe her, but also didn't quite want to) "Guys, if you want to save Elena I'm the only chance you have. This is the only way!"

Bonnie kept her gaze focused on Misao, watching her desperately look at everyone one by one, hoping that someone will finally believe her. But even Tyler was keeping quiet, waiting to see how this will be resolved.

Bonnie: (squinted) "You're lying!"

Misao: "I'm not."

Bonnie: "You just admitted to lying about Antonio and Sue. How could you expect us to trust anything else you say?"

Misao: "I have everything to lose if I lie, I have been nothing but honest with you! I swear I'm telling you the truth!"

Bonnie: "Like that's supposed to hold any weight. You told me you don't believe in god, your swear means nothing."

Misao: (complete panic took her over) "I don't know what else to say!" (looked at the group with begging eyes) "Please!"

June was looking at the others, confused. Everyone was looking at each other, not quite knowing what to think. Bonnie and Damon looked at each other. Damon seemed to be waiting for what Bonnie would say. Bonnie took one last look at Misao, then turned to Damon and shook her head. That settled it for Damon. He looked at Misao with conviction.

Damon: "Sorry girl. But I don't believe you either."

Misao: (knew what he was going to do) "No!"

Damon raised his hand and, despite and between Misao's begging screams, threw the starball to the ground with all his strength. The ball shattered and all the fluid inside spilled onto the earth. They stepped back as the fluid created a large orange circular portal on the ground. Tyler looked at the portal with desperation. June lowered her psychic barriers.

Damon: "Now you have two choices." (Misao looked at Damon with rage) "You can go back to your dimension and stay there forever, or you can stay here and die."

Misao looked at June, then to the rest of the group. Everyone was at the ready for anything she would try, including June. Whatever she would hope to accomplish, she knew she wasn't going to be able to do it in time. She noticed the portal was already beginning to close. Her head fell in anger, defeat and desperation. Then she looked at the group, pure rage radiating from her eyes.

Misao: "You will all regret this!"

She started running. Her speed startled everyone, but where they appeared to expect one last attack, she quickly jumped into the portal. As soon as she went through, the portal closed. Finally, Misao was gone.

The group felt empty for a moment. They stood aimlessly. Only after the initial shock passed, they were able to process what just happened. Bonnie sighed with relief and looked at Damon. Damon also looked at her, then nodded approvingly. Stefan was looking at the ground, seemingly still expecting something to happen. It took him a moment to finally accept, and looked around for Jeremy. June slowly came near Damon and held his hand. He looked at her with thankful eyes, like it somewhat felt good. Tyler's gaze was fixed at the spot where the portal was, clearly feeling desperate for losing the one thing that could fix his body. Caroline arrived near him.

Caroline: "Tyler?"

Tyler startled with her voice, then shook off his feelings and forced a smile.

Tyler: "I'm okay."

Caroline smiled and held his hand. They went near the rest.

Stefan: "Where's Jeremy?"

Bonnie: "Liz took him back home. He.. didn't take it well."

Caroline: "That should be putting it mildly."

Bonnie nodded.

Stefan: "He must have been wrecked."

Bonnie went and hugged him compassionately. He hugged her back. His eyes watered, and seemed like he was about let himself go. June found himself randomly looking at Tyler. When Tyler noticed and looked back at her, she looked elsewhere.

Caroline: (noticed their awkward exhange) "Everything alright?"

June: (looked at her, then slowly nodded and looked at the group) "Let's go home."

Stefan: "Stay with us tonight."

June: (shook her head) "I can't leave Jeremy alone." (looked at Caroline and Tyler) "You guys are staying, right?" (they looked at her) "For Elena's f.."

She couldn't bring herself to say "funeral", but everyone understood.

Caroline: "Of course!"

Tyler: "That's not even a question."

Tyler noticed Bonnie was looking at him angrily. He shook his head barely noticeable, telling her not to, or that this is not the time. She looked away angrily, eating her heart out.

Next morning, there was a huge crowd in the cemetery for Elena's funeral. As the priest was saying his prayers, her closest friends were looking at her picture next to the casket in tears. Elizabeth Forbes, Carol Lockwood, Aiden Carson; along with parents of some other close friends were present.

Jeremy and June were at the front, holding hands, barely holding back their tears, as the priest was reading the prayers. Caroline and Bonnie were behind them, with Stefan and Damon right near them. Tyler was suspiciously absent, as Carol was there.

Elena's casket was lowered into the grave. June followed the casket with her gaze until she couldn't hold her tears anymore, and began weeping. Jeremy hugged her, both cried and sobbed. Seeing them, Caroline and Bonnie also let themselves go. Stefan hugged Caroline, and Damon hugged Bonnie. They all watched the casket reach the bottom.

Cut to..
June was sitting on the couch at home, looking at a random point. Jeremy sat near him. They held hands, then looked at each other.

Jeremy: "I hear you can read minds."

June: (smiled) "Only when I want to."

Jeremy: (subtly raised their hands) "You have my permission."

June: (looked at their hands, then at him with a subtle smile) "No. I tried to take that shortcut with Elena and.." (they chuckled softly) "I'd rather get to know you. Like two normal people."

Jeremy: (made a facial expression indicating he appreciated her saying that) "Normal is hardly a word I would use to describe our lives."

June: (after a brief silence) "I'm sorry you got ripped away from the life you built there."

Jeremy: "It was a good life. But it wasn't mine."

June: "What do you think is gonna happen now?"

Jeremy: "I don't know."

June: (pulled her hand away) "I should probably get out of your room."

Jeremy: (confused) "Yeah, why were you staying in my room?"

June: (stood up, then slowly looked at him) "Elena gave me the room. Because I get tingles in dead people's rooms. It's a psychic thing."

Jeremy: "Then you should stay there. You'll find no other room in this house you could sleep in."

June: (her eyes watered) "Is our family cursed, Jeremy? Why are all these bad things keep happening to us?"

Jeremy: (stood up and faced her) "We aren't cursed. What Elena did, she did it out of love. This is not a curse. This is the deepest, truest love."

June: "I miss her, Jer. I feel like my heart is in million pieces. I don't know how to pick them up, I don't know how to recover. When my parents died, and I was told I have a relative in Mystic Falls, I still had hope. But now.. It's all falling apart."

Jeremy: (held her shoulders) "I'm here to stay, June. I don't know what life has planned for us, but I do know this.. we'll face it together."

June slowly looked at her shoulder, then smiled to Jeremy. He understood that due to his touch, she could see that he really meant it, and he too smiled. Then they hugged each other.

Carol's door was knocked. She opened it and to her surprise, it was Bonnie. Their clothing and make up indicated it was later that day.

Carol: "Bonnie?"

Bonnie: "I'm sorry to come unannounced like this."

Carol: "Oh, it's fine, dear. I wasn't expecting anyone, you just surprised me."

Bonnie: "Can I come in?"

Carol: (startled for not saying it first) "Of course." (she stepped aside and Bonnie walked in. Carol closed the door) "Is everything alright? You look troubled."

Bonnie: (faced her, distressed) "I need advice." (Carol nodded and led her to the couch inside) "I messed up. I betrayed all of my friends. And now I have a chance to make it right without them ever knowing it. I just don't know what I should do."

Carol: "What is this about?"

Bonnie looked at her, flashing back to the moment she cast the spell to put Klaus' spirit in Tyler.

Bonnie: "It doesn't matter."

Carol: "Obviously it matters to you."

Bonnie: "Let's just say if they ever knew, they would never trust me, or talk to me ever again."

Carol: "And you're asking me, whether you should trust them and tell them the truth, or cover it up and never speak of it again."

Bonnie: "When you say it like that it sounded so.."

Carol: (reassuringly) "Oh I get it. As a founding family member and part of the council I had direct hand in covering up a lot of vampire attacks."

Bonnie: "How did you do it? Knowing you had to lie to an entire town of people, assuring them that everything is fine when it isn't?"

Carol: "It wasn't easy. But it is something I had to do so everyone else could sleep at nights."

Bonnie: "So you sacrificed your own peace of mind for everyone else's."

Carol: "It was so much more than that. More times than I would admit, it put my faith in what I'm doing into question."

Bonnie: "So how did you find the strength to keep doing it?"

Carol: (smiled) "Honestly? It was my son." (a subtle smile came to Bonnie's face also) "In the end everything I do is for the sake of my son."

Bonnie: "Well I don't have a son."

Carol: "No, you have friends. You have a father." (leaned forward and held her hands) "Bonnie, you have the power to make real change in the world. It scares you, because you are a good person. Whatever it is that you are struggling with, I know that deep down, you already know what you must do."

Bonnie: (moved, but clearly still scared) "I do. That's the problem. I don't think I'm strong enough to do it."

Carol: (looked right into her eyes) "You are. You are stronger than any one of us."

Bonnie sighed with conviction.

Cut to..
After Bonnie left the house, she took a moment to decide what to do, then grabbed her phone to call someone.

Caroline was standing near the car, waiting for Tyler. She checked the time, then called Tyler. But his phone was off. Not quite knowing what to do, she walked away. Eventually she arrived to the entrance of the cave. She looked around for a moment, then stepped inside. She called out his name a couple times.

Bonnie heard a vampire whooshing sound behind her and turned around. It was Tyler. He seemed rather excited about something.

Tyler: "It is true?" (Bonnie nodded) "Lead the way!"

Bonnie started walking.

Caroline walked deeper into the cave, not quite knowing what she was expecting to find. She called Tyler's name once more with a normal voice. There was no reply. She finally arrived to where Tyler was sleeping. His bed was unmade. She went ahead and checked. It was cold. She called his phone once again. It was still off.

Caroline: (worriedly) "Where are you, Ty?"

She sighed and got up. But while turning around, she was startled with something she saw on the wall. Freaked, she stared at it for a while, then ran outside the cave. She grabbed her phone and called Bonnie. Her phone was off too. After the beep sound, she started talking.

Caroline: "Hey Bonnie. There's something you should know. The day of graduation, Elena told me that Tyler can't be trusted. When I told him about it, he told me that you two had an affair, which at the time kinda made sense, but now.. I think he was lying. And.. I think I know the truth, Bonnie. The cave he's been living in. I saw something in there. I don't know where he is now, but you should come see it before he comes back. Bonnie, I think I know what Tyler is. Or, who Tyler is!"

Bonnie and Tyler were driving. They finally arrived to the original's mansion. They opened the door. At the middle of the hall at the entrance, there was a coffin. Tyler walked near it and opened. Klaus' body, charcoaled, was laying inside. He looked at it for a while, then turned to Bonnie.

Tyler: "Do you have it?"

Bonnie didn't say anything. She slowly came near the body too.

Bonnie: "Misao was lying about a lot of things but about this thing.." (she took a cylinder tube out of her bag. Inside the tube was the same strange vibrant orange fluid) "..she was absolutely right. The magical properties of this thing is more powerful than anything I've ever seen."

Tyler: "Or heard of."

Bonnie: "Or heard of. It was incredibly difficult to salvage this. Especially after so much time has passed."

Tyler: "You planned this, didn't you?"

Bonnie: "I didn't count on Damon smashing it to the ground, and I didn't wanna tell you anything before I confirmed it still works."

Tyler: "How did you confirm it still works?"

Bonnie: "Wouldn't you like to know!"

Tyler: "As a matter of fact, I would."

Bonnie: (didn't mind him) "It's pretty straightforward. If enough amount of it is poured on a dead body, it resuscitates."

Tyler reached for it, but Bonnie pulled it back. Tyler seemed annoyed.

Tyler: "Bonnie?"

Bonnie: "First we need to make a deal." (Tyler looked around with a look of anger and annoyance) "No one will ever know."

Tyler: "Know what?"

Bonnie: "That you were in Tyler's body this whole time. That I made you live. Once I put you back, you will compel Tyler to make him remember all that you lived as him. And then you will leave Mystic Falls and stay out of our lives forever."

Tyler: "Tell me. Exactly how gullible are you?"

Bonnie: "Excuse me?"

Tyler: "Gullible or moron. And you don't seem like the latter. Do you honestly believe that I would agree to that?"

Bonnie: "You will if you want your body. And from the last time you tried, you know you can't overpower me."

Tyler: "When I return to my original body, June will be my only way to creating hybrids."

Bonnie: "You mean slaves."

Tyler: "Potato po-tah-to."

Bonnie: "You don't have any power here, Klaus. You have no bargaining chips. What I say goes. You either take it or leave it."

Tyler: "I will kill everyone you love!"

Bonnie: "Like I said. You don't have any power. You don't have any say. I can end you with just a snap of my fingers and believe me I will do it! You will leave June. You will leave Mystic Falls. And you will never come back. That's the deal you're getting, and you're lucky you're getting it!"

Tyler turned around angrily. He stood for a while thinking his options. Eventually..

Tyler: "Fine. Just get me out of this body!"

Bonnie: "I wanna hear you say it!"

Tyler: (turned to Bonnie and spoke through his teeth) "You have my word!"

Upon this Bonnie lowered her arm and poured the fluid inside the tube onto Klaus' chest. Almost like a miracle, under confused and amazed looks of the both, the charcoal body started to heal. It didn't take long until it fully healed.

Bonnie: "Step aside."

Tyler was too excited to object, and did as told. Bonnie rolled up her sleeves quickly, then without touching, she closed her eyes and started chanting a spell while moving her hands up and down the body. In no time the body started to gain color. Tyler felt dizzy and collapsed.

Bonnie looked at Tyler's motionless body. Then turned to Klaus inside the coffin.

After a wait that felt like an eternity, Klaus finally opened his eyes.


Main Characters[]

Recurring Characters[]

Guest Starring[]

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